Why is it that we (authors who write Christian books) are always being put in the position to defend our craft? Why are people constantly trying to tell us that the books we write are only for "church folks?" I can't even count how many times I've heard one of my colleagues defend this issue, or the number of times a radio or online interviewer has posed the question to me of, "What kinds of people can enjoy Christian fiction novels?" It's an insane line of thinking, really. Why on earth would one think that only Christians can enjoy Christian books?

The people who can embrace and enjoy Christian fiction and nonfiction are READERS...plain and simple. What I write is definitely faith-based. It's romantic, dramatic, and sometimes it's even mysterious. It's not preachy and it's not saturated with scripture references, but rest assured, Christ is at the center of every book (whether fiction or nonfiction) that I pen. I say that without shame, question, or apology. I will never denounce what I write or the ONE for which I write. However, my audience is comparable to a quilt, not a blanket. It is not comprised of one color or one texture or one fabric. Just like I have, I know many other Christian fiction and Christian nonfiction authors who have received emails and letters from everyday readers who have been able to embrace our writings. They were just plain avid book lovers who read a variety of subject matters, and they

Nobody ever says that the authors who write romance are only writing for romantics and lovers, or that the only people who can enjoy crime fiction are cops and criminals, or that the only people who should buy horror stories are zombies and vampires, or that the only people who can relate to street lit are users and abusers, or even that the writers who pen erotica are writing only for the world's nymphomanics. So why is it that Christian fiction

Simply put: Christian books are NOT written for Christians only. It is NOT true that only church-goers can relate to books like mine. They are written for readers, and just as readers can appreciate any other genre of books, they can do the same for books that are deemed faith-based. Period.
Vent over....The End. :-)